
Some parts of this site are restricted to registered members only. This includes notices about upcoming events, and a question board (for those who are not members of our Facebook group).

If you wish to be registered, please contact a member of staff, and include your email address.

Logging In Using a Facebook or Google Account

If you have a Facebook or Google account, you can login to this website through that. If you wish to use this option, please make sure that the email you provide for registration is the same as that linked to your Facebook/Google account. This is generally regarded as a more convenient and secure method.

When you come to login to this site, do not enter a username and password, but instead click on the Facebook/Google icon as appropriate. You may then be directed to one of their pages to enter your login details (unless you are already logged in to use their services). For clarity, you should never enter your Google/Facebook login details into anything other than a Google/Facebook webpage or web service.